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a veces quisiera no ser tan sensible

1 comentarios:

Hopefully you'll read this.

you know, by the way you write, it seems you like to make it easy for everyone else and most of the time that doesn't work and it just get's harder. I'm telling you that because there were days when I wanted to do a lot of things. When I wanted to fet together with my relatives and when I wanted to make peace with my junior-high school classmates. I never succeded. That's when a I learned a very valuable lesson (that and a "eje" UdeM usually puts together). Being nice and honest and showing a big smile and saying please an thank you (like I am most of the time) works wth certain people, but it won't open up all doors. Fuck, now that's the magic word, there's an infinity of things you can express with that word, and it never get's old. SO what I'm telling you is simmer down, nobody is pushing you to try harder, nobody's twsting your arm to be prefect (and if there is someone, tell them to fuck off, see there's a way to use the word). So you ain't got the best painting of your class, so you ain't on an honor roll (I'm guessing), so you ain't getting many things done and you're always setting things back, big deal, you'd kick my ass any day of the week. Look, you're verry valuable as a person, and sometimes it may feel the world is giving you a hard time that undoubtfully you don't deserve. But if you're not at peace with yourself, then it's gonna get you real bad, and then THEY win (They being anything that gets on your nerves). So fuck the world, be sensible, sleep in the afternoons and if today doesn't look like doing something good, fuck it, do it tomorrow. And thanks for the kind words, your definetly my heroine (as a super girl and as a drug, I mean you're drawings were pretty dope). think about what I said and if you don't like it or feel offended by it, then call me a fucking insesnsitive asshole, but say it, don't hold it in that little box of yours. SEE YA ON THA FLIP SIDE.

Song for the day
+Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

4:16 p.m.  

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